Easing Dental Anxiety: Enjoy Relaxing Dentistry with Oral Conscious Sedation
For many people, dental visits can provoke significant anxiety, making even routine procedures feel daunting. Dental anxiety isn’t something to be embarrassed about—it affects millions of Americans, and the sooner you talk to a dentist, the better. Dental anxiety leads to dental avoidance, compounding your discomfort and treatment costs.
Have you been dodging your dentist because of fear? You can enjoy dentistry again with sedation dentistry in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Biggio Dental Care offers oral conscious sedation for patients with mild to moderate dental fear. Oral sedation is ideal for patients who require more than nitrous oxide and need the calming effects of IV sedation without needles or injections.
How does oral conscious sedation work?
Oral conscious sedation allows patients with dental anxiety to have enjoyable and stress-free dental visits. It also allows the dentist to complete multiple dental treatments while the patient remains comfortable in the dental chair.
Several sedation options exist. Inhalation sedation involves nitrous oxide administered with a small mask placed on your nose or mouth. IV sedation administers anti-anxiety medication directly to the bloodstream through an IV line created on your hand. Oral conscious sedation uses a simple sedation pill. This oral pill is taken about one hour before your treatment. You’ll be fully sedated when you arrive at our office.
Pill-based sedation induces a state of complete relaxation while allowing you to remain awake and responsive to instructions. The sedation creates short-term amnesia, so you’ll remember little about your treatment. This means you won’t recall the moment-to-moment of your treatment, including the sights, smells, noises, and other anxiety-inducing sensations.
Unlike nitrous oxide sedation, the effects of pill sedation remain even after treatment. For this reason, you must have someone accompany you to and from our office. Additionally, avoid driving, operating machinery, or strenuous activities for 24 hours.
Am I a suitable candidate for oral conscious sedation?
Pill sedation is the answer that many patients with dental fear have been searching for. Here are some reasons why you may benefit from oral conscious sedation:
- You have a strong/sensitive gag reflex
- You have trouble remaining calm in the dental chair
- The dental sights and sounds bother you
- You’ve been avoiding treatment because of dental fear
- You have sensitive teeth
- You’d prefer sedation without needles or masks
- You have problems becoming fully numb
- You’re undergoing multiple or complex dental treatments
Oral conscious sedation is easy to administer and is suitable for many patients. This option is also safe because we use FDA-approved medications with few side effects. Our doctor also constantly monitors your vital signs to ensure you aren’t reacting adversely to your sedation.
Are you ready to overcome dental fear?
Does the thought of a dental visit give you sweaty palms or a racing heart? Have you been avoiding dental visits because of dental fear? Don’t let dental anxiety prevent you from enjoying the treatment you need. Enjoy relaxing dental care with oral conscious sedation in Baton Rouge, LA. Call (225) 314-6995 to reserve an appointment.